The first recognizable social media platform, Six Degrees, was launched in 1997. Over twenty years later, the list of social platforms goes on and on. Of course, we have our main platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat and LinkedIn, but it doesn’t stop there. Social media users have a variety of reasons for posting. People may share on their feed to inform their loved ones on what’s going on in their lives, to make an ex jealous (we are all guilty), to inform people about their lifestyle (health, fitness, wellness fanatics!), or maybe to grow their business. Think of social media for business not to just promote what you are selling. Think of it as educating, empowering and inspiring your target audience. Expand the minds, connect and bring value to followers. What value can you give your audience? Though social media is rapidly changing, sharing your knowledge to an audience is timeless.
A flaw which we see on many websites, business cards, website ads, and print material is forgetting to include your social handles. Many businesses are discovered by potential customers through social media, especially Instagram. When we want to learn more about a restaurant for lunch meetings, we rarely go to the website, we go to their Instagram to see what the meals look like and the atmosphere. Always include your social handles on anything business related. Tip: try to make your social handles the same on every platform.
Give yourself a percentage. For example, when we are not promoting a certain event or product, we use the 80/20 rule. 80% engagement posts, 20% promo posts. If a business social feed is 100% promotional, more than likely people will unfollow you. However, it’s okay to tweak the percentage rule when you’re pushing something like an upcoming show or a new line of products. We recommend using the 60/40 rule during heavy promo times. 60% engagement, 40% promo.
Check your inbox! Set aside thirty minutes to one hour twice a week to go over your inbox on all social platforms. Users may be reaching out to learn about a service you provide, have a question on store hours, looking for employment, or just want to connect. This is a great way to have a personal tie between your business and individual users. Ignoring these messages could have you missing out on potential customers or clients!
Tag, location and hashtag. Posting a picture of your favorite coffee shop? We do this all the time! To read about our favorite spots in NY and LA, visit our blogs over our favorite NY and LA coffee shops. When we post a pic of our morning latte, we always tag the coffee shop and put our location there. Not only does this support a fav business of ours, but it also increases our audience tremendously. Like we said before, when we search for a lunch spot, we go to their Instagram, and often click on “tagged photos.” We often fall in love with someone’s account through tagged photos! Never miss an opportunity by tagging another business, person or location.